Measure the pink area as shown in the image (around the waist across the belly button on bare skin).
FemiCussضة EasyZip Supporper

Supporter Sizing Guide
We offer 3 different sizes for the FemiCushion supporter garment. Please measure yourself using the instructions below before placing your order.
Measure horizontally around the waist across the navel over bare skin. FemiCushion works best if the horizontal belt on the supporter fits over the waist. Depending on your figure, there may be some leftover fabric, but this does not affect its use.

Confirm the FemiCushion size that suits you after measuring your waist by referring to the sizing chart.

Because our supporter sizes overlap, be sure to carefully select the size based on your measurement.
1.Secure the cushion to the holder

2.Make sure all prolapsed organs are returned inside the body
3.Undo the supporter and remove surface faster tape
4.Position the cushion and holder to your body
5.Put on the supporter

6.Adjust the horizontal and vertical belts of the supporter

مؤيد للعشير مصنوع من القطن ويمكن أن تكون مفتوحة ومغلقة في الأمام مع السحاب. من السهل جدا إرتدائه بالمقارنة مع فيلكرو وهو مؤيد لنظام ايasyOpen ، فإن سماكة حزام الخصر هو أقل وضوحا مع هذا الداعمين.
متاح باللون الأبيض أو البيج.ويتميز مؤيد البيجي بطول أطول قليلا.
الحجم I : 24in-32in/60c-80سم
الحجم الثاني : 28in-36in/70c-90سم
الحجم الثالث : 32in-45in + /80c-100cm +
I found that it is sized very differently that the other supporters. I had to return it, not because of quality, but because of size. I didn't want to wait over and over again to try to get a correct size.
Femicushion has kept me from surgery, so I am satisfied with it. I actually think it sets too far forward, but it's comfortable to wear. I am glad that I found it after trying excercise, which didn't work for me.
Ruth is the person using the cushions. The supporter is very good. A tad larger on the size S would be ideal though. Size M is too big for me. Is there a place I can order replacement parts in the USA or CANADA, even better. Femi Cushion has been a blessing. Gives me a life back. Ruth ([****])
FemiCushion EasyZip Supporter